Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Story of My Life (Day 19 of Thanksgiving)

The story of my life will have joy and sadness, good times and difficult ones too, but at the end of each chapter there's victory in Jesus. You'll see my journey from girl to woman, maturing and learning from life's experiences. The love of my life will be one of the best highlights of it. People will have come and go and very few true friends will have remained. Then other key events will have taken place and...
With God being the author of my life, I know the story will end with me being with Him. -CBT

Just thinking about how people when people look at my life I hope they really do see a sweet spirited woman, who is living for God and working hard to achieve her goals. I want to inspire, encourage, and lead by example. Of course I'm not perfect and don't have all the answers, but I can't help being empathic and wanting the best for everyone. Sometimes some don't see it that way.

My actions toward other people are not always reciprocated. They treat me...differently, but I'm used to it now. I'm different and not always understood because I don't do what everyone else does. I express how I feel and that's not always accepted. I don't always agree with them and that causes issues. So this has caused people to distant themselves from me or leave my life completely. Was I at fault at all, to some extent yes, I had my faults, but I'm all about reconciliation and sometimes that doesn't happen.

I care a lot about how people see me, but it doesn't worry me as much anymore. I'm a child of the King, always learning and getting back up when I fall down. If I am to be judge, it is to be by God's standards, not man's. Not everyone will like. Not everyone will be my friend. Although I have God, who has placed people in my life that will always love me for me.

Here's what I'm thankful for today: God being the author of my life. He is the best writer obviously, so I have nothing to worry about. However He chooses to have my life to go, I know it is for my benefit and His glory!

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