Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Days 25 and 26

Alright, so I'm slacking, but don't worry I'm always counting my blessings.

Day 25: A friend of mine told me the positive impact I've had on her life so far. I had no idea, because I thought I was just talking to much. I thought we were just having girl talk, normal conversation, but she expressed how my words have really encourage and help her in different ways. So I'm thankful for being used by God. I'm just being me, not trying to gain attention or show off how much I know or anything else of the matter. I like sharing my life, what I've been through and my perspective on things. I have asked God to use me as He please in anyone's life. I shine His light through me and all I want people to see is Him in me.

Day 26: (I wrote this thankful post on Facebook)
"Praise the Lord for putting the right people in my life that are trying to help me more forward, support my work, learn more, become successful, and believe in my skills and abilities.
I don't want to take that for granted and don't want to waste anyone's time. I know that I can accomplished so much by God's power and He is going to lead me to great things someday.
Thank you Lord...thank you so much. I'm working on being more positive, more confident, and more relying on You!"

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