Monday, June 10, 2013

Abide in Christ

I was really challenged by a sermon at church. The speaker talk about abiding in Christ and obtaining freedom from sin and/or things that traps us from being closer to God. Read through John 15:4-10.
 I woke up this morning and made sure to read my Bible. It felt good to give that time to the Lord who gives all His time for me. I am always learning how to depend on Christ to set me from worry, doubt, self-deception. I know He has the power to free me. Yes, it takes works, but it is possible and well worth it.

If you desire to be closer to God, first give your life over to Him. Then commit to reading the Bible, learn, meditate, and apply it's truths. Make sure you are apart of a body of believers, who will help you grow and know more about God. Ultimately ABIDE IN CHRIST! Remember it is a process and does take time, but have faith and trust in the Lord all the way!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I probably could go on for awhile about marriage. I've been happily married for 4 years and counting. I'm not ashamed to talk about it as I love my husband so much. Marriage is a beautiful bond between two people that God has put together. It does takes hard work to make sure both are happy and things go well, but definitely well worth it.

Anyway, ladies let me just say that if it is God's will for you to be married, enjoy every moment of it. Don't let anything get into your marriage and pull you apart from your husband. The world has tainted marriage and some ladies don't even get married, just live with their boyfriends which is not how God wanted it to be.

Read Proverbs 31. It's a popular passage, but really meditate on it and think about the woman you are today and the one you want to become.