Friday, December 16, 2022

Breaking Down Walls

 Thoughts from an empath....

Sometimes...when trying to knock down others walls there's hesitation, pain/hurt, and complications on both sides. It's not always easy and it's not always possible.

I'm referring to people who build up walls that need to be broken so reaching out or getting through to can be possible. Sometimes, walls are built out of fear and despair and that person is trying to protect his or herself, when really it is preventing from healing, restoration, and love. 

Walls are hard and are put up as such so no one can get throughor over! They don't come down easily and take time to break down. So, patience is needed on both sides. Sometimes, the one trying to get through gets tired and may need a break. Still caring...still trying. 

Personally, I'm just tired in some cases. Not tired of trying to get through or be a friend. I'm tired because it is hard and feeling like, "what more can I do?" How much longer will it take? Am I not trying hard enough? Do I just leave this person be? Maybe, I'm not the one supposed to break their wall(s) down? Do I care too much? 

I guess it'll be hard either keep trying or to leave it alone. 

I'm still a good friend. I don't give up easily on people, but I'm learning when to step aside and let things be. I'm accepting that sometimes people decide to hide from or block you. I'm alright with knowing I did what I could, that it was my best. 

Please note, I'm not talking about anyone specific. I got into a conversation about relationships and friendships and just sharing some of my thoughts from it. Yea, it is personal, relatable, and I can think of few in my life I've been connected with where this has happened. However, it doesn't matter because whether is has been someone past, present, or maybe in the future I know that breaking down someone's walls if meant to do so, isn't something that will not happen overnight. The tools needed have to be good, strong ones. God will have to provide the strength and patience on for the breaker, as the builder of that wall slowly stops and hopefully will finally let it fall.