Friday, July 25, 2014

What Needs to be Done...When Dealing with Sin!

*This is not about anyone in particular as I have been in several different conversations with different people in and out-side of my circle who are talking about dealing with those in sin. When someone you know isn't doing right, how do you deal with it, especially if they claim to be a Christian?
This is a "touchy" topic, but I don't want to be afraid to talk about my view about it.
This is what I believe, you may or may not agree.*

It is not easy to correct someone. For some it might be, but the majority have a hard time confronting someone doing wrong/who is sinning. Sometimes there's a fear of that person being angry or less accepting of you. Things could get tensed and/or awkward, the relationship/friendship could be over.
Sometimes one doesn't care that much about what someone else is doing. If it is not affecting his/her self directly, why worry about it.

Whatever the case may be, it is important to do what is right. What is God telling you to do in that particular situation? How do you approach someone who is in sin? Are you trying to help them and encourage repentance?

Depending on what it is, I think one has to set aside their feelings and deal with it. No one should be comfortable standing by while someone else is sinning. There's needs to be accountability. There needs to be genuine concern and care for someone who finds or positions his/her self in a situation that is causing them to be in sin.

This has been a common topic lately. We find our (Christian) friends in situations that pulls them away from the Lord. They are in sin and have isolate themselves. They don't want anyone to talk to them.They don't want correction. They only want God to JUDGE them. They don't want anyone to be involved with their life at this time. Etc. etc....

What are we to do about it?
Well we are called to deal with them in a loving and truthful, but most effective way possible. Some people you have to be gentle with, while others do need to be dealt with boldly and more seriously. All is done with care and keeping in mind that God wants us watch over one another. He wants us to live right and obey His word.

We have to do what needs to be done. Sometimes you may get burned while pulling someone else out of the fire. It won't always be easy trying to help someone you see sinning and you want them to get back on track.
You want to encourage that him/her have the right testimony. There does come a point when you leave alone and leave the rest up to God, but until then don't give an excuse. If you're not doing what God is asking you to do, then you're not doing right either.

I used to struggle in this area a lot. It was and sometimes still is hard going up to someone I care about and letting know what they are doing is not pleasing to God and it is affecting their walk with Him. They are in sin and need to turn away. I didn't want that person to be mad at me or not trust me anymore. Then I had to stop worrying about their response and do what is right, even if that means things get shaky. I wanted to do what God commanded, especially if I'm the one that is meant to deal with that person.

I probably could go more into depth, but the point is for Christians to do what we're called to do: confront sin, deal with it, and be accountable. Don't just If your prayer for someone leads you to actually talk to him/her, then do it. After that, see what happens. Pray for their repentance. Pray for their walk with the Lord. Pray that they can turn away and how you may be able to help with it. Pray God does a work with the person. DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! 

Jude verses 22+23                                                                                                                   "And have mercy on those who doubt;  save others by snatching them out of the fire;" 

Galatians 6:1 
"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted."

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Some Advice...

I don't think I'm an expert. I don't know everything and I may not always give the best advice. Although something I said to a friend (a piece of advice) made my happy to think about how far I've come and what I've learned from my experiences. So this piece of advice I want to share with my readers. I believe it will help some out or at least I pray it does.

Here it goes:

"You don't need what others have or get to experience in their lives to make you happy or define your life. You have your own life (that God has planned out). You'll be doing big things someday. You don't need a man. You don't need a trip. You don't need money or anything else....all you need is God. He is the best that you can get out of life. He'll make you happy, content, feel loved, and prosperous.

It's ok to want, to dream, to aspire, to reach for...but don't let it take your focus off God. Don't worry about what others are doing with their lives and compare theirs to yours. Keep moving forward and being content with your life until God shows you what to do and where to go next."