Thursday, July 30, 2015

Year after year....

This time of year will always remind me of how far I've come and how I was able to overcome some really deep stuff.

With all the killing going on, I just have to praise God for keeping me. The world is becoming more dangerous.

Having your life threaten is a scary and tramatic experience. 

Even tho its been almost 3 years, I think deep down I still feel what I dealt with then. I try not to think about it, but...

I still wonder what happened to those two young men who robbed me. Did they do it to someone else? Did they ever get caught? Did I do what I was suppose to do? Why am I still affected by it sometimes?

I feel like it's never been fully resolved.

I think others can relate. Although others I know who've been through the same thing don't talk about their related experiences much. So I guess maybe it is still fresh to me? Maybe I haven't completely got over it yet?

Idk, still happy to be here and alive. God protected me and all I can do is thank Him. I saw two guns point at me and what else was there to do but trust God.

I just pray that those two boys didn't continue on with their actions.

I'm hoping to use that part of my life as a testimony and not be known as a victim, but a victor.