Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Tunnel Metaphor

You're in a tunnel. There's little beams of light piercing through it's walls, distracting you because you can't help to keep looking through each one to see what's on the other side. You're hoping to see something you will like, something you want. Although you're just getting more disappointed because each hole isn't revealing what you want to really see. It's not even giving you the full picture.  So now what?

Move on, move forward until you see the light at the end of that tunnel. Keep going to you're out of this tunnel.  No I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about seeing yourself moving closer to God. All those little beams of light seem good, but there are not where you need to be looking. You're going up and down, left and right, when what's right in front of you is all you need to see...God. He's right there. Stop getting side track by things that don't matter. You won't be able to see it all clearly until you're totally in the light. God wants you to be in the light completely.

That tunnel is a trap to keep you away from Him. Fooling you into it's better to stay in there and have temporary pleasure, when the real joy and peace is outside of it.
Get out of that tunnel as fast as you can. Run to the other end to God!

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