Wednesday, July 6, 2016


After a conversation with my friends, some of it about us growing up and what we did and how we were...I have come to really appreciate how I I turned out.

This isn't me bragging or implying I'm better than anyone else. I never got into much trouble, ran in the streets, or hung out around negative influences. There's things I didn't do that would be considered bad or make my parents worry about me.

However I have made many poor decisions, trusted people I shouldn't have, and was naive in many ways. Being known as good, sweet, and sensitive, didn't mean I am without my flaws and faults. As we were all talking, I just kept thinking how I could have done some things differently. I can't compared to what others have done, but I've sinned and did things that disappointed God and others in my life.

I have struggled with things internally and that would affect how I have treated people and acted outwardly. My actions and behavior have not always been right and I had to suffered consequences and learn from my mistakes.
I thank for God keeping me and showing me areas of my life that I had to work on and still need to work on.

Just thinking back at what I have done and where I am now, I'm in a good place. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm growing, learning, and getting better. I'm becoming more of who God wants me to be. He's forgiven me and continues to have mercy on me. I'm thankful for what I have and all God has done in my life.

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