Been feeling like you're not going anywhere?
Not sure of your future?
Nothing going right or according to plan?
Are you lost...confused...and expect a bad outcome?
Well...who isn't? Didn't expect that response did ya?
Don't worry I mean well...
but think about it. You are not the only one who has a time in their life when trials and tests and negative circumstances will cause you to feel stuck. Stuck isn't always a bad state to be just can't stay stuck because that when negativity creeps in and have you thinking all kinds of mess.
When your plans to do this or that doesn't go that way, you stay in place because you can't see or you don't know what to do...or where to go next. It throws you/us off...
I believe it happens to most of us, but then what happens? What are we to do?
For myself, I go to God and ask for clarity and direction. There has been many times in my life I feel like I'm on the go, things are going well, and I'm moving forward. Then something cause me to either takes many steps back or just stops me in my tracks...and I become at a lost of what to do. I get "stuck" and I'm guilty of sometimes choosing to stay stuck and miss out on a lot of things that I could have taken advantage of to help me get out it. I make excuses, instead of actually doing something about it.
When I get ready to feel "un-stuck", I get quiet and reflect on everything up to that point. I think what might have gone wrong, what I did or didn't do, and how can I get going any again. I soon come to realize that God allowed something to "stop" me where I am and He'll be the one to get me going anything in the direction I'm suppose to in. From the start I should have gone to Him and begin the process to be set free!
It doesn't always have to be something negative to cause me or you to feel stuck (we just make it seem or take it that way). Sometimes God just wants you to do something else. Since He is in control and He has a plan, we sometimes need to get reposition or turn to go another way.
God wants to place us in a new place, give us a new tasks, or maybe embark you on a new journey.
We get stuck especially when it is not what we want to do. We don't want to leave someplace, we don't want to go there, and we don't want to do something new. So we just get stuck...rather stay in place than to go on and embrace what's ahead. Sometimes it could be because of fear (of the unknown), worry, or just plain on stubbornness.
You and I have to get out of feeling stuck because it just keeps us there and that doesn't help us move along like God intended. If you trust Him, then take the next step. Go ahead and know what is ahead is meant for your own good, even if you do encounter obstacles along the way. Those are there to help you become stronger and build your character, but ultimately bring you closer to where you NEED to be and to God.
If you feel stuck because you're discontent or unsatisfied about
your current state, I say you still need to be faithful and committed to
completing the task(s) at hand until God says otherwise. Don't try to
move along with out Him. Don't just quit either.
So next time you feel "stuck", sit down, pray, and listen. You'll either have to wait for an answer to where to go or what to do next or get going right away and wait on the rest of the instructions to be revealed to you. Still do what you have been called to do, unless God says to stop then, but don't just give up or drop everything unless that is apart of the plan.
You don't have to keep feeling can be set free!