Friday, November 21, 2014


I've experienced and seen the power of reconciliation. Although not so much anymore...
Reconciliation requires humility, forgiveness,  and the right attitude (motive, heart, etc, so a relationship or friendship can be on the mend.
So it is sad when you can see people, especially those who claim to be Christian can't get along and get it together after something negative happens between them.
It has to suck losing people you've grown close to, leave out of my life due to bitterness, lack of understanding, and/or not willing to forgive. 
*I will say that if that person says they are done and through with you...then let them go. Don't chase after people.*
If forgiveness is requested and that person is willing to work on making things right and repent, then do as God would do and forgive them. What happened or what was done may not be forgotten, but being unified is what we all should be striving for!
I would only cut off a person if he or she just wasn't willing to work it out. There has to be a change in behavior and true willingness to do what is right/make things right again. Same goes for me if I hurt or offend a friend and didn't try to change. I would expect them not to want to be my friend anymore. 
Although being the person I am, I'm loyal and willing do whatever it took to keep my friends. Unless God show me otherwise,  but I let Him remove people from my life. He knows who's meant for a lifetime or season. He knows each person's purpose in my life, so if their purpose is to teach me in whatever way (positive or negative experience) so in the end I learn and grow, then so be it.
All I'm trying to say that if a relationship/friendship can be worked on and fixed, do it. Don't throw in the towel just because you're mad. Don't give up on it too soon. Ask for discernment and  meeting how God wants you to go about it.
Reconciliation is good. Don't let satan tear things apart. Don't allow anger, bitterness, or stubbornness hinder you're attempt to make things right again. If you love that person, your friend, your spouse, or whoever...then pray and move forward.