Monday, October 14, 2013

Dealing with Struggle

What do you do when you're having an struggle? Your mind is all over the place. You can't focus. You can't eat or sleep. You are having such a hard time figuring out what's going on around and with you.
We all have those times when it feels like the weight of so much is on our shoulders. You try to smile even though you're discourage/depressed. It just doesn't make sense why you feel the way you do.
What do you do?

Well, first do a self examination. Sometimes you can get too caught up in yourself and everything is about you.You're feeling some type of way, but you're not trying to do much about it. People should be coming to your rescue and comforting you. If you're being prideful or selfish, you won't come out of struggle easily.
On the other hand, life does hit hard sometimes and shakes you up a bit so then all you can think about is how it's affecting you. In this case, you do need think how you're going to take care of yourself, but also rely on God help you do so.

The next step is to pray, which may actually go along with the self examination. Pray that God reveals your heart, reveals what is going on. You're confused, lost, and need some kind of clarification or answers in your life. You may not get understanding right away, but prayer can lead to some peace of mind if you believe and trust that God will help you endure what you're struggling with.

Another way to get through your struggle is to read the Word (the Bible). By reading it, you will answers and guidance. Read, meditate, and apply it and you're on your way to being ok.

I really don't have all the answers, but this can get your starting on dealing with that struggle you may be having right now.

Remember, God won't give you too much to handle and there is always something to take away and learn from your struggle(s). Stay faithful! Be Strong! Hold On! Don't worry! Trust God...COMPLETELY!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


So I talked about love...let's talk about being selfish.
Have you ever thought of yourself being...selfish?
Well if you only care about yourself more than others, avoid doing things for others, think about what's best for you...
I think you get where I'm going here.
If it's about about you, your problems, your opinion, your time, and so then you are or have been selfish.
I'm not trying to say don't think about yourself. You should and make sure that you're taking care of yourself.
Although...are there times that you feel like you're the only one struggling and/or dealing with a difficult situation and you want someone to have pity on you?
Or do encounter people you choose not to interact with for the simple fact their "different", "weird", or just not like you? Both situations make you selfish as well.

Why are we so selfish? Well it is apart of our sinful nature. We like to think about ourselves and have no consideration or compassion for others. Hence, why selfishness is the opposite of love. Love is about caring, being kind, patient, etc, while selfishness is being prideful, hurtful, inconsiderate, etc.
It's so easy to think about our needs, times, and likes.

It doesn't matter if someone else who is in pain needs my comfort because I'm hurt too, so someone should come comfort me!
I can do whatever I want and it doesn't effect anyone. I don't have to care if does affect anyone else or not. It's not their business/problem.
I don't want to talk to him/her because he/she is not like me. I don't talk to those who creep me out or just seem different. I don't want to be bothered.
I could on, but you know what I'm talking about, so now what?
What are you going to do so you're so so selfish? Again it is so easy to think about you and your circumstances, there's no need or time to think about anything/one else. You don't care because it's all about you.

If you're a follower of Christ, He(God) has called you to be better than that and it is all throughout His Word! Start taking the time to think about the someone else. Think about how you can used in another person's life. You may find that be helping someone else out, your own issues get resolved.Also think about the things you do that could affect others. When you sin that doesn't just affect you, but all those you are around.

Pray to the Lord about helping you not focus so much on yourself in a way that causes you to shut out other people and make you further away from His presence. Start praying for others and not always about yourself. Put the needs of others before yours.

You can do it. Start to love!

Philippians 2:3 

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

James 3:14-16 

But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice

Proverbs 18:1 

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Love...What's that?

I asked on facebook what my next post should be about...and the topic of love was chosen.

So what is love?

Well, we've all been told that it is not only a feeling, but an action.

So what do the actions entail?

Love is exactly how the Bible describes in 1 Corinthians 13!

It's just not a kiss or a hug, but displaying characteristics that you care about someone more than yourself. You're not selfish. The opposite of love is not hate, but selfishness. 

Love is enduring. You not only wait, but stick it out with someone. You don't give up someone. You are by their side, every step of the way, helping someone get by.

Love is genuine. You just don't love just anyone. You love for a reason and it's real and true. Your love for another doesn't go away all of a sudden or so easily.

Love is work. You contains trust, understanding, kindness, etc. All the things that you have to show some you love and that does takes work. It does pay off!

Love is sharing something positive! You say things out of love that are encouraging and edifying!

Love is making a connection. In the case of a relationship/marriage, you love the other person because you have a bound with him/her.

Love is more than just a word, more than just a feeling! Love is active!

Love overall is God and so if you have an idea of who He is and how He reflects/shows love, then you know what it really is.