Sunday, December 29, 2013
The First 25yrs
I praise God for blessing me to see my 26 bday, that sadly many others esp in this city (Milwaukee) don't get to live to see. Although I came close to losing my life, He protected me and for that I'm very thankful. I'm praying for more years to come and that with each one I live it according to God's will, to the fullest, and be more mature than the last. I don't only want to be a better person/woman, but a better servant to the Lord as time goes on.
I'm happy to have got married, own a car, go to college and graduate, start my own freelance business, have a job in my career field, and so many other things great and small, that would not have been possible without that mercy, grace, and blessings from God.
The first 25 years of my life have been...amazing, interesting, and overall a blessing! I won't complain, because everything I've been through has taught me something and made me who I am right now.
Thanks again Lord for another birthday!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Something I wanted to say....
Sorry but after Thanksgiving, I had several things to take care of and focus on, so this blog had to be put to the side for awhile.
Now I'm on a little "vacation", but still got things to do. I'm trying to get some work done and become a better designer.
I'll get more into my future plans later. For now, let me end with this saying,
"It won't always be easy, but that's life and while you're still living it, make the best of it by having God be apart of it."
I wrote a status on fb hoping to help someone out as the New Year approaches and many are posting things about their lives good, bad, and/or difficult. So I wanted to put something that would encourage or maybe even correct if necessary, because is on the attack and not holding back. We all need to be prepared and know what to do when life doesn't go our way and satan gets in our way.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Final Exams
Now that school is over, I'll be writing on my blog a little more.
Thanks for your understanding and support.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Days 28, 29, and 30
I did write day 28 as my facebook status and it was long, but basically talked about my family and friends.
Day 29 I gave thanks for the opportunity to sell my jewelry. It will be my first time doing so at a vendor fair, so I'm kind of excited, but nervous as well. I'm still grateful for the opportunity though and my friend would let me take his place.
Day 30 Thankful for everything and the list can go on and on. The Lord has been so good to me and I'm working on continually counting my blessings because some things I don't deserve. He loves and has so much mercy on me that I can't help but to be thankful for all He's done for me.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Day 27 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
I'm really thankful for the difficult times in life that make me stronger, wiser, faithful, and trusting.
It's hard going through a trial and dealing with situations out of my control. I have to rely on the Lord and no worry. He's proven over and over again that all my needs will be met and I won't be given more than I can bear! If I keep that in mind, then each day I face becomes a little easier to endure what comes my way. I won't ignore how I'm feeling, but I will give it up to the Lord. I'm thankful for my Go, who is working in me to become the women He wants me to be!
Days 25 and 26
Day 25: A friend of mine told me the positive impact I've had on her life so far. I had no idea, because I thought I was just talking to much. I thought we were just having girl talk, normal conversation, but she expressed how my words have really encourage and help her in different ways. So I'm thankful for being used by God. I'm just being me, not trying to gain attention or show off how much I know or anything else of the matter. I like sharing my life, what I've been through and my perspective on things. I have asked God to use me as He please in anyone's life. I shine His light through me and all I want people to see is Him in me.
Day 26: (I wrote this thankful post on Facebook)
"Praise the Lord for putting the right people in my life that are trying to help me more forward, support my work, learn more, become successful, and believe in my skills and abilities.
I don't want to take that for granted and don't want to waste anyone's time. I know that I can accomplished so much by God's power and He is going to lead me to great things someday.
Thank you Lord...thank you so much. I'm working on being more positive, more confident, and more relying on You!"
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Days 22, 23, and 24
Day 22: I was thankful for my husband cooking dinner for me. It means a lot to me that he does so much for me.
Day 23: Thankful for the work I do as a freelance Graphic designer. Sometimes I don't know if I'm going to make a sale, but I do my very best and network, so I can meet those in need of a flyer, posters, invitation, etc. It feels good to help others out with their print material needs.
Day 24: Today I'm thankful for how well my church's FRANtasitc month went and that over 60 visitors came to it. We will keep each one in prayer and keep in touch, so they know we do love and care for them. We want them to know we're there for anything they may need. It was a great opportunity to reach out to those who don't know Christ, who might be looking for a church home, and/or make aware that there's a place teaching God's Word, growing, and they can come to us for the spiritual needs.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Days 20 and 21
We are striving to grow and reach out to many others, so more of us can know Christ, be closer to Him, and serve Him faithfully. I have grown so much from being apart of this study and I even met my husband at it. Praise God!
Day 21: Today I'm thankful that God is in control. If things went my way, even with the right intentions, may not turn out as well as how God would have things to do. I love when He shows me a better outlook on life and He ways are better than mine. I can't even complain when things don't go my way because God knows better and I love how He does everything for my benefit and His glory.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Story of My Life (Day 19 of Thanksgiving)
With God being the author of my life, I know the story will end with me being with Him. -CBT
Just thinking about how people when people look at my life I hope they really do see a sweet spirited woman, who is living for God and working hard to achieve her goals. I want to inspire, encourage, and lead by example. Of course I'm not perfect and don't have all the answers, but I can't help being empathic and wanting the best for everyone. Sometimes some don't see it that way.
My actions toward other people are not always reciprocated. They treat me...differently, but I'm used to it now. I'm different and not always understood because I don't do what everyone else does. I express how I feel and that's not always accepted. I don't always agree with them and that causes issues. So this has caused people to distant themselves from me or leave my life completely. Was I at fault at all, to some extent yes, I had my faults, but I'm all about reconciliation and sometimes that doesn't happen.
I care a lot about how people see me, but it doesn't worry me as much anymore. I'm a child of the King, always learning and getting back up when I fall down. If I am to be judge, it is to be by God's standards, not man's. Not everyone will like. Not everyone will be my friend. Although I have God, who has placed people in my life that will always love me for me.
Here's what I'm thankful for today: God being the author of my life. He is the best writer obviously, so I have nothing to worry about. However He chooses to have my life to go, I know it is for my benefit and His glory!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Day 18
Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Best Advice Giver
I will admit that I don't have all the answers and sometimes the best advice I can give is to keep going to Lord, be faithful and obedient, and you'll be able to endure whatever you're going through.
Days 16 and 17 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 17: Today I'm thankful for my church. I've been there since I was 9 and have seen it going through many different "stages", but still stand of the Word of God. It's a great church, with loving and faithful members. I've made life-long friends and many of them i consider family. My pastor is awesome and truly preaches the truth of God's Word. I'm in the choir, ensemble, and a few other ministries. I love it! We are currently having FRANtastic month which we invite our FRIENDS, RELATIVES, ASSOCIATES, and NEIGHBORS and so many have come so far. Praise God!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Day 15 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Days 13 and 14 of 30 days of Thanksgiving
Today I'm thankful that I'm adopted and for my mom and dad. I'm daddy's little girl and I'm mama's baby, lol. I love them both and would not trade them for any other parents in the world. God placed me with the best parents. I can always count on them, receive great advice, and know they always have the best interest in mind for me. I can go to them on almost anything. They trust in the Lord, faithful to church, and through their lives I've learn how to live for Christ. I praise the Lord for them!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Days 11 and 12 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Today I thank God for teaching me to be honest with myself. Sometimes it is hard to admit when I'm wrong, struggling, or not understanding something like an assignment or task. I'll do my best to figure it on my own or I won't say anything until the last minute that I didn't get it. I don't make a habit of it, but I have done it many times before and I've learned to step up and admit when I'm not one the same page. God has taught me to ask questions, to keep trying, and not worry about anything because I am capable of learning and excelling. I think it is very important to be real and open about yourself. It is better to realize things sooner than later and then look like a fool, lol.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Day 10 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Day 9 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Friday, November 8, 2013
Day 8 of 30 days of Thanksgiving
Day 8: thankful for my sisters! I have a lot of them lol so bear with me and I'll try to speak to all of them.
I am blessed to have 3 ladies who became my sisters when I married my husband. They have taught me so much about being a determine, hardworking, and strong woman. They don't give up easily, care so much about each other, and always about bettering themselves. I appreciate all they do. Love ya- Shavonda, Keari, and April!
Then I have my sisters from church...some I grew up since 9yrs old and the rest I've came to know and love throughout the years. They are been there every step of the way being used in my life how God has directed them. A few are no longer in my life, but thankful for the time I had with them. Each taught me something that cause growth in some way. For those still around, I can help but to praise God for their love, support, and even their accountability. They keep me on track and help me in the difficult times. I can always count on someone giving words of encouragement and making me smile. They do so much for me, I can't even say it all now...its endless.
I love all my friends/sisters so much. It's not always easy, but there's always love. We get through things together. We work to make things right. Can't imagine my life without any one of you. God has you in it for a reason and I pray that I won't take that for granted. Thank you and God for everything.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Day 6 and 7 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
Day 7: Today I'm thankful the Praise and Poetry Jam! An event my husband and I established the event in 2011 when we wanted to explore more of the arts and give an opportunity for Christian artists to put their gifts on display. It is awesome to see so many people with great talent praise the Lord with all the heart, spirit, and mind. It's wonderful and truly a blessing! So thankful God has blessed this ministry to grow and spread throughout the city. Many people have been apart of it from artists to guest. We are praying for what the Lord will have us to do with this ministry, but we are always working hard to make it more known so the world can see how much we love Lord and praise His name with our gifts.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Day 5 of 30 Days of Thanksgiving
There's so much more, but I'm so grateful to know and have him in my life. I never want to take for granted what God has blessed me to have, which is a dedicated, intelligent, and awesome husband!
Monday, November 4, 2013
30 Days of Thanksgiving Cont!
Day 2: Thankful for my love ones. My family, friends, and anyone else in my life that I have close relations. They love, support, cherish, respect, encourage, and etc which mean so much to me.
Day 3: I'm really grateful for my church! Love it! I've been there since I was 9yrs old. Everyone means so much to me.
Now we're at Day 4:
Today I'm thankful for my education. I'm glad that I've made it to college and been able to learn and do what I love to do: ART! There are some who don't get this far for various reasons, so I don't want to take for granted the opportunities that have allowed me to be where I am today. I still have some ways to go, but I'm working hard and can't wait to see where I end up!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Day One of Giving Thanks
He cares, loves, provides, gives, forgives, etc. There's no ending to His goodness! Praise to an AWESOME God!
Changing My Attitude
All it took was to change attitude, my perspective. So easy to get caught up in feelings,but God wants me to rely on Him and not on how I feel.
to be continued...
Monday, October 14, 2013
Dealing with Struggle
We all have those times when it feels like the weight of so much is on our shoulders. You try to smile even though you're discourage/depressed. It just doesn't make sense why you feel the way you do.
What do you do?
Well, first do a self examination. Sometimes you can get too caught up in yourself and everything is about you.You're feeling some type of way, but you're not trying to do much about it. People should be coming to your rescue and comforting you. If you're being prideful or selfish, you won't come out of struggle easily.
On the other hand, life does hit hard sometimes and shakes you up a bit so then all you can think about is how it's affecting you. In this case, you do need think how you're going to take care of yourself, but also rely on God help you do so.
The next step is to pray, which may actually go along with the self examination. Pray that God reveals your heart, reveals what is going on. You're confused, lost, and need some kind of clarification or answers in your life. You may not get understanding right away, but prayer can lead to some peace of mind if you believe and trust that God will help you endure what you're struggling with.
Another way to get through your struggle is to read the Word (the Bible). By reading it, you will answers and guidance. Read, meditate, and apply it and you're on your way to being ok.
I really don't have all the answers, but this can get your starting on dealing with that struggle you may be having right now.
Remember, God won't give you too much to handle and there is always something to take away and learn from your struggle(s). Stay faithful! Be Strong! Hold On! Don't worry! Trust God...COMPLETELY!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Have you ever thought of yourself being...selfish?
If it's about about you, your problems, your opinion, your time, and so then you are or have been selfish.
I'm not trying to say don't think about yourself. You should and make sure that you're taking care of yourself.
Or do encounter people you choose not to interact with for the simple fact their "different", "weird", or just not like you? Both situations make you selfish as well.
Why are we so selfish? Well it is apart of our sinful nature. We like to think about ourselves and have no consideration or compassion for others. Hence, why selfishness is the opposite of love. Love is about caring, being kind, patient, etc, while selfishness is being prideful, hurtful, inconsiderate, etc.
It's so easy to think about our needs, times, and likes.
It doesn't matter if someone else who is in pain needs my comfort because I'm hurt too, so someone should come comfort me!
I can do whatever I want and it doesn't effect anyone. I don't have to care if does affect anyone else or not. It's not their business/problem.
I don't want to talk to him/her because he/she is not like me. I don't talk to those who creep me out or just seem different. I don't want to be bothered.
I could on, but you know what I'm talking about, so now what?
What are you going to do so you're so so selfish? Again it is so easy to think about you and your circumstances, there's no need or time to think about anything/one else. You don't care because it's all about you.
If you're a follower of Christ, He(God) has called you to be better than that and it is all throughout His Word! Start taking the time to think about the someone else. Think about how you can used in another person's life. You may find that be helping someone else out, your own issues get resolved.Also think about the things you do that could affect others. When you sin that doesn't just affect you, but all those you are around.
Pray to the Lord about helping you not focus so much on yourself in a way that causes you to shut out other people and make you further away from His presence. Start praying for others and not always about yourself. Put the needs of others before yours.
You can do it. Start to love!
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.James 3:14-16
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practiceProverbs 18:1
Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Love...What's that?
So what is love?
Well, we've all been told that it is not only a feeling, but an action.
So what do the actions entail?
Love is exactly how the Bible describes in 1 Corinthians 13!
It's just not a kiss or a hug, but displaying characteristics that you care about someone more than yourself. You're not selfish. The opposite of love is not hate, but selfishness.
Love is enduring. You not only wait, but stick it out with someone. You don't give up someone. You are by their side, every step of the way, helping someone get by.
Love is genuine. You just don't love just anyone. You love for a reason and it's real and true. Your love for another doesn't go away all of a sudden or so easily.
Love is work. You contains trust, understanding, kindness, etc. All the things that you have to show some you love and that does takes work. It does pay off!
Love is sharing something positive! You say things out of love that are encouraging and edifying!
Love is making a connection. In the case of a relationship/marriage, you love the other person because you have a bound with him/her.
Love is more than just a word, more than just a feeling! Love is active!
Love overall is God and so if you have an idea of who He is and how He reflects/shows love, then you know what it really is.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Where are all my Christians at?
There needs to be more faithfulness, repentance, obedience, and fight against sin/satan.
Talk is not enough...are you actually serving God, following His commandments, and being apart of a body of other true believers?
For me, I'm working on being more faithful to reading the Word. The more I study and know, the better I can face what comes my way. I'll be able to stand even more firmly on the truth. I want people to notice that I'm living differently. I want people to notice that I'm a follower of Christ.
"Let's get it together Christians. We are starting to blend in with the world and that should not be!"We are called to be lights, the salt of the earth, why can't those who are not of Christ can't tell the difference between us and themselves?
Monday, September 23, 2013
Art Revelations
I really love and enjoy what I do. I really can't see my self doing anything else but art. I love to draw, paint, design, take/edit photos, sculpt, and so on. I praise God for blessing me to be an artist. I get to express myself in ways I can't say in words. I am allowing to "bring to life" what I or other people want to convey through artwork.
Even though right now my primary focus is graphic design, I think it is still important for me to stay active in the fine arts. I still need to sketch/draw out my concepts. When I paint, I get a better perspective about colors. I could go on...
Anyway, I can't wait to see where God will place me in the art world. I know I have a spot there and when the time is right, I'll be ready to make my mark and SHINE!!!
By the way please check out my website
Friday, September 20, 2013
He got traps out there, waiting for you to get caught in. He knows how to tempt you.
He knows your weaknesses.
So prepare yourself fight!!!
Why are families being torn apart?
Why is divorce so high?
Why is there so much sexual immorality?
Why are you entrapped by sin?
Why are there not more Christians standing up for the truth?
Why are you not fighting?
Get out of your comfort zone, stop being afraid, and start showing your faith in the Lord. He wants you to be ready for satan's attacks. God will empower and strengthen you to defeat Him and have victory!!!
You're only going to lose if don't have God leading you and being by your side!
Ephesians 6:10-18
(The Whole Armor of God)
10 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints..."
So easy to complain, what good do you have going on in your life? If all you do is vent and complain especially on fb, then all people are going to think is that you're discouraging, selfish, and depressing.
Start looking at how God woke you up, gave you life, and that yes it could be worse, but He has mercy on you. He wouldn't get you anything you couldn't bear...REMEMBER?!?! I mean yes, sometimes you get down, things don't go your way, and you feel pain, hurt, rejection, etc...BUT GOD said don't be anxious and don't complain. See the bigger picture and how God wants you to get through it.Cry if you have to, maybe yell it out, but then get over it and move on.
I had to and still work on will have challenges and struggles, but I know that God meant it for my good and for that He does get the glory.
I've started to count it all joy when trials come my way, because focus isn't how bad it is, but how I'm going to endure and come out of it better than when I got into it.
Honestly, it may be hard not to complain, but at least work on not doing it so often. The more you do, the happier you'll be.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Tunnel Metaphor
Move on, move forward until you see the light at the end of that tunnel. Keep going to you're out of this tunnel. No I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about seeing yourself moving closer to God. All those little beams of light seem good, but there are not where you need to be looking. You're going up and down, left and right, when what's right in front of you is all you need to see...God. He's right there. Stop getting side track by things that don't matter. You won't be able to see it all clearly until you're totally in the light. God wants you to be in the light completely.
That tunnel is a trap to keep you away from Him. Fooling you into it's better to stay in there and have temporary pleasure, when the real joy and peace is outside of it.
Get out of that tunnel as fast as you can. Run to the other end to God!
Just a little self examination...
I have learned to be more care though. I've learned to pray more about how to respond to people and their situations, so I come at them appropriately and effectively. I can't always come at someone as if it's not big deal or be too comforting when they need to be exhorted or love and in truth. It has been a lesson in discerning how to control my empathic self.
Just a little self examination...more to come.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Reaction to a trial (poem)
God promised He wouldn't give me more than I could take.
Sometimes it feel I can't get through,
and there's only wrong decisions I make.
I can't see the end and the way is kinda grim,
I want to give up and cry,
but I choose to lean on Him.
It's hard when faced with the unknown,
and you don't know what's ahead,
I get a little anxious,
not deal with it, enough said.
It doesn't work that way,
at least it won't help the issues I'll face.
I have to let go and let God,
stand firm in a rocky place.
It's take one day at a time,
it's a process or a journey,
So never thinking too far ahead,
it will just overwhelm me.
No point in kicking and screaming,
throw all kind of things around.
Can't hide or ignore what's going on,
I know where my strength can be found.
God uses difficult situations to build me up,
and I will have many in my life,
but I can't let it get to me,
just fight against the strife.
I won't always know the meaning behind a trial,
I just have to take it and endure.
God knows better than me anyway,
and He'll be with me for sure.
Written and copyright by Charmion B. Thomas (aka Poetic Princess)
Friday, September 13, 2013
There's a reason...
Although it does cause us to worry or doubt, we have to kick those feelings aside, pushed satan out of our way, and keep running the race God has us running in life.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."
Hebrews 12:1
Remember that God choose you not only because He loves you, but you have a purpose He wants you to fulfilled. He is leading you to where you NEED to be. He is making you to who you NEED to be! Don't worry so much about how it's going to happen, just pray, listen, and obey (act as your told to do by God)!
How ever things might have started in your life, remember that God will complete a good work in the end. Nothing is in vain when you're living for God.
Ecc. 7:8
"Better is the end of a thing than its beginning...."
Some songs that I think will encourage you:
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Who do run to?
Don't sulk, complain, and/or have a pity party, especially on facebook!!!
Find peace, comfort, and understanding from God!
You need to being studying the Bible, praying, and taking against those things hindering you from moving forward in your life.
You're answers are not on facebook, found on google...
You won't really find comfort in drinking or feel better because you let someone have it by cussing them out and getting back at them.
You'll find answers and everything else you'll need in Christ.
to be continued...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Work Hard, Type Later
No worries tho, I won't abandon this blog completely. I'll try to post once a week or more if I when since I'll already be on here posting for school.
Stay encouraged and blessed.
Friday, August 2, 2013
I'm Still Here, Praise God!
A yr ago today, I was robbed by gunpoint, feared for my life, and all I could do is trust God. He protected me. I praise Him for those who gave comfort, showed love, and prayed for me. It's been a day to day process getting over it, but or course I'll never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised, but I thank God for each day I do get to see. Despite the incident, I never lost faith in God. Since then I've learned a lot about myself and grown in many ways. All glory to God for helping me to move forward.
I'm Still Here-Travis Greene
Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 121:7-8 "The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."
Psalm 138:7 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me."
Psalm 86:2 "Preserve my life, for I am godly; save your servant, who trusts in you—you are my God.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Don't be deceive!
So many wannabes, not enough real believers.
There are plenty of people who like how the Word sounds, but don't want to live it out themselves.
There are plenty of people who want to do right, but don't want to be held accountable or take correction.
There are plenty people trusting in themselves, in their heart, in man, etc and don't trust God unless it's on a good day.
We've all heard no one is perfect, people make mistakes, but...
We have to stop accepting people who are not faithful and consistent in church.
We have to stop being afraid of holding another accountable and calling out sin.
We have to stop ignoring what God wants us to focus on.
Don't deceive yourself!!! Don't be deceive by others. Either you or they are believers, following God and His Word, and growing daily into better Christians...or you're lost and in the dark, in need of being made brand new through Christ.
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
Galatians 6:3
For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
1 Corinthians 3:18
Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
James 1:22
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:26
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
1 John 1:8
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
God's Way
God is going to have His way whether you believe it or not. He's not oblivious to the things you want to do, but God has planned out your life to get you to where He wants you to be. Sometimes things don't go how we want them to and we can get discourage by that, but God has what is best for us in mind. He knows our dreams, goals, aspirations, to which He does places those in us, but its has to be His way of getting there to reach them. So don't try to accomplish things on your own. God is right there to guide and help you especially when you face obstacles along the way. Also don't fight against God while trying to do what you want to do. He is only trying to build and mode you into a stronger believer.
Below are couple songs and a couple verses to encourage you if you're having trouble not understanding why things are not going your way. Just let go and let God have his way. Place your faith in Him as you're working toward what is next for you. He is going to work it out and eventually you be in a better place. Even if you don't know where He is going to lead you, trust that is it to your benefit.
Have Your Way by Britt Nicole
You Know Better Than I
Isaiah 55:8
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."Monday, July 22, 2013
My Gifts
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Grow Where You Are Planted
Don't be discourage if you're not married by now, have your dream job, etc. TRUST THE LORD! He is in control and has your planned out to your benefit. He will guide you to where you need to be. In the meantime, grow where He has planted you. Don't worry about it, don't doubt yourself, but rely on God. He is right by your side, walking with you until your next destination in life.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Don't Worry, I'm Still Here
Today I was moved to say to myself, "YES I CAN, because I know God is with me!" This statement applies to me in so many ways that I'll be sharing with you over the next few days/weeks.
Keep God first!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Abide in Christ
I woke up this morning and made sure to read my Bible. It felt good to give that time to the Lord who gives all His time for me. I am always learning how to depend on Christ to set me from worry, doubt, self-deception. I know He has the power to free me. Yes, it takes works, but it is possible and well worth it.
If you desire to be closer to God, first give your life over to Him. Then commit to reading the Bible, learn, meditate, and apply it's truths. Make sure you are apart of a body of believers, who will help you grow and know more about God. Ultimately ABIDE IN CHRIST! Remember it is a process and does take time, but have faith and trust in the Lord all the way!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Anyway, ladies let me just say that if it is God's will for you to be married, enjoy every moment of it. Don't let anything get into your marriage and pull you apart from your husband. The world has tainted marriage and some ladies don't even get married, just live with their boyfriends which is not how God wanted it to be.
Read Proverbs 31. It's a popular passage, but really meditate on it and think about the woman you are today and the one you want to become.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Learning not to worry...
I've really embraced "letting go and letting God" and not worry as much as I used to. My life is in God's hands. What He allows to happen I still have to keep my faith and trust in Him through it all. He promised it wouldn't be too much for me to bear and He will always be there.
Be encouraged!!! Go to the Lord when you feel like you're at your end. Look at the good in your life and count your blessings! Don't get all negative! Also remember someone else could be going through the same thing(s) or worse, so don't be another person singing a sad song. Start changing the tune into joy during your trials and maybe it will spread to others.
Phil. 4:6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
Sunday, May 26, 2013
I'm back!!!
I'll be back Tuesday to share more! Enjoy the holiday!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wisdom Wednesday
Ephesians 5.17
"Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Just Stop and Take a Look
What does nature make you think about?
Psalm 145:5 "On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate"
.I will add the rest to my website.

Monday, May 13, 2013
Just Wait-Part 1
There is not always an answer right away, so a person is still left waiting. Impatience has set in and in most cases, matters are taken into a person's own hands. This reaction usually leads to a worse outcome then if he or she had just waited.
We're told to wait on something EVERYDAY! In this world we're pressured to get something today...right soon as possible. DON'T WAIT!
Well let me tell you, PATIENCE PAYS OFF! I learned that the easy and the hard way. I never really expected to get what I wanted right away. My parents were really good at with-holding things or info from me until they felt I was ready to receive. They taught me early on you don't always get what you want when you think you should have it. As I got older though, I grew tired on waiting on some things. For the most part if I didn't wait on something specific to happen, I probably missed out on it or didn't get the full enjoyment, and was left feeling worse off. When I did wait, I reaped the benefits. I have always been happier when I waited on the Lord and waited for something I wanted.
You can also think of being patient as enduring. You have to fight through it. You have to persevere and keep moving forward, even if it sometimes difficult. You may not know what to expect, but you keep holding on and keep going.
While waiting you can be content and accept the state you're in during that time.God will bring you through it in due time.
Wait on the Lord if you're waiting on anything in your life. He is going to be on time. He knows the right time for you to have money. He knows the right time for you to be in a relationship God knows the right time to take you out of a struggle. He knows the right time for every circumstance.
Yes, in some cases you should make a move and you'll know for sure, but we all know about the times when we have to wait. So when those times come about JUST WAIT. You'll know what to do by prayer, reading His word, and trusting in His will for your life.
Psalm 37:7a "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him;"
Psalm 37:34a "Wait for the Lord and keep His way"
Proverbs 27:14 "Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!"
I'm going to talk about God, relationships, art, and life in general. I will also share verses, quotes, music, and other things to reach you in some way. I'll also try to have others contribute.